What Happens When You Truly Follow Jesus?

Hey Guys,

Have you ever had a moment that changed everything? A decision that shifted the direction of your life?

For Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael in John 1:35-51, that moment came when they met Jesus. They weren’t searching for greatness. They weren’t religious elites. They were ordinary men going about their lives—until Jesus called them to follow.

This past Sunday, we explored the powerful invitation of Jesus: “Come and see.” It was more than an invitation to observe—it was a call to believe, follow, and experience greater things in Him.

Now that the sermon is over, the question remains: What will you do with this invitation?

1. Have You Truly Answered the Call?
It’s one thing to hear Jesus calling—it’s another to respond. The disciples didn’t just acknowledge Jesus; they left everything to follow Him.

Maybe during the sermon, you felt the Holy Spirit stirring your heart. Maybe you realized that you’ve been watching Jesus from a distance instead of walking closely with Him.
If you haven’t fully surrendered your life to Christ, don’t wait! Today is the day to take that step. He is calling you by name, just as He did with Nathanael:
? “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” – John 1:48
Jesus knows you. He sees you. And He is inviting you into a life that is far greater than anything you could imagine.

2. Are You Pursuing a Deeper Relationship?
Jesus told Nathanael:
? “You will see greater things than these.” – John 1:50
Following Christ isn’t just about a one-time decision—it’s a daily pursuit of Him.
  • Are you spending time in the Word of God to know Him more?
  • Are you deepening your prayer life and seeking His presence?
  • Are you actively sharing Jesus with those around you, like Andrew did when he brought Peter?

When we walk closely with Jesus, we see greater things. If you’re feeling spiritually stagnant, it may be time to take your commitment to the next level.

3. Who Are You Inviting to “Come and See”?
The Gospel spreads through personal invitation. Andrew didn’t keep the good news to himself—he immediately brought Peter to Jesus. Philip did the same with Nathanael.
Think about someone in your life who needs to meet Jesus.
  • A family member
  • A coworker
  • A friend
  • A neighbor

Pray for them this week. Then, invite them to come and see.
Maybe that means sharing your testimony.
Maybe it’s bringing them to church next Sunday.
Maybe it’s a simple conversation over coffee.
Whatever it is, be bold. Jesus is still calling people to follow Him, and He wants to use YOU to reach them.

Final Challenge
This week, let’s live with the expectation that Jesus has greater things ahead.
? If you made a decision to follow Christ, let us know—we want to celebrate with you!
? If you’re ready to go deeper, commit to spending time in God’s Word daily.
? If you know someone who needs Jesus, pray for them and invite them to “Come and See.”
Jesus is calling. Will you follow?
#Believe #ComeAndSee #FollowJesus #GreaterThings

Serving Him,

Bro. Joey

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