January 4th, 2024
by Joey Hufstedler
by Joey Hufstedler
Hey Guys,
Serving Him,
Bro. Joey
I read about a group of scientists and engineers that spent years gathering information to determine the origin of all things. As the thousands of bits of information came in, they were fed into a giant computer. Finally the day came: all the information had been programmed. The scientists and engineers gathered around the giant computer as the instruction was punched in: "Produce a detailed account of the creation of the earth." Breathlessly the group waited. The great computer hummed, rattled; and finally the printer typed out, "See
Genesis 1:1."
There are primarily two theories for the existence of all things. There is the view that God created all things as held by the Creationist. Then there is the view that all things evolved over billions of years as held by the Evolutionist.
The most popular theory of the evolutionist is "Explosive Creation" which is often called the "Big Bang" theory. The big bang theory assumes that all the material of the universe was originally bound in super-hot, super dense mass. Its temperature was more than a trillion degrees, and all matter was homogenized into hydrogen and helium. There was an explosion of this fire-ball that kicked out matter with enormous velocity in all directions.
A billion years later, the clouds of matter began to condense into galaxies of stars. Everything in the solar system - including our bodies has been reprocessed from material left behind by earlier stellar explosion. With the evolution of a planetary geological structure and the development of a stable planetary atmosphere, life became possible.
In the book "The Amazing Universe," Herbert Friedman (an evolutionist), chief scientist for E.O. Hulburt Center for Space research, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory writes: "As the sum of knowledge grows, the astronomer continues to seek answers to man's most profound questions: What is the grand design of the universe? How was it created? How did we get here? What are we? Are we alone?
How was it all created? How in the world did it all get here? To find the answer you have to ask the only one that knows.
Scientists tell us that our Milky Way is over 15 billion years old. The problem with that is that there was no one around 15 billion years ago. So how do Scientists know that's how old the Milky Way is? The simple truth is they don't. They just assume that is how old it is.
Evolutionist tells us that over billions of years all things have evolved. But the problem is no one has ever seen anything evolve. They just assume that's what happened.
They remind me of a little boy on his way to school. He caught a bumble bee, put it in a cork bottle, and put it in his back pocket. He got to school and sat down. During the course of the day, the cork came out of the bottle and the bumble bee got loose in his pants. He was squirming around, slapping at his backside, and the teacher asked, "Jimmy! What are you doing? He said, "Teacher, there is something going on back there that you don't know anything about."
The simple truth is that what went on back there the scientists, geologists, astronomers, and the evolutionist can't really say. There was something going on back there they don't know about.
The plain truth is that the only one who knows is God. He was there and He was the only One there. He is the only one that can really tell you what happened.
I like the way a black preacher described it. He said, "God stepped from behind the curtain of nowhere, onto the platform of nothing, and spoke a world into existence. The reason God came from nowhere is because there wasn't anywhere for him to come from. And coming from nowhere he stood on nothing, and the reason he stood on nothing was because there was nowhere for Him to stand. And standing on nothing, He reached out where there was nowhere, and caught something when there was nothing to catch, and hung something on nothing and told it to stay there. Then standing on nothing He took the hammer of His own will and He struck the anvil of His omnipotence and sparks flew everywhere. He caught these sparks from the tips of his fingers and flung them into space and bedecked the heavens with stars. And nobody said a word. The reason nobody said anything was because there wasn't anybody there to say anything. So God Himself said, 'That's Good!"
In Genesis 1, there are 13 steps to creation. Science generally agrees with these 13 steps and the order in which they appear. They are 13 steps that are scientifically correct and scientifically accurate and scientifically in order. Now the great question is how did Moses, (the human author of Genesis), know the order of creation.
One mathematician named Peter Stoner said that the chances of Moses getting these steps in order would amount to one chance in 31 sextillion (31 followed by 21 zeros.)
Dr. Stoner gives an illustration to show what this chance means. He imagines a raffle with 31 sextillion tickets. To print that number of tickets would call for 8 million printing presses each capable of producing 2000 tickets a minute, running day and night without stopping for 5 million years. Only one of the 31 sextillion tickets is marked. Our chance of drawing that one ticket on the first try would be the same as Moses' chance of writing Genesis 1 by accident.
How did Moses get it right? The One who was there told him about it. How in the world did the world get here? Let's go to the one that knows and see what He said.
Serving Him,
Bro. Joey
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