Reflecting on Serving Well Without the Spotlight

Hey Guys,

This past Sunday, we explored the life of Epaphras, a man who exemplified faithful service and intercession without seeking recognition. His story from Colossians 4:12 reminded us that God values humble obedience and uses even the quietest acts of faithfulness to accomplish extraordinary things.

Key Takeaways from the Sermon
  1. Faithfulness in Small Things Matters
    Epaphras wasn’t an apostle or a public figure, yet his prayers and service left a lasting legacy. This challenges us to remain faithful in the tasks God has entrusted to us, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it’s teaching a Sunday school class, praying for others, or helping behind the scenes, your work for the Lord is significant.
  2. Prayer is Powerful Ministry
    One of the most striking aspects of Epaphras’s life was his fervent prayer life. Paul described him as someone who “labored earnestly” in prayer for the church (Colossians 4:12). Are we taking time to intercede for others, asking God to strengthen them and guide them in His will?
  3. Focus on Eternal Impact
    Epaphras lived with eternity in view, focusing on advancing God’s Kingdom. His purpose challenges us to evaluate our own priorities. Are we living for temporary recognition or eternal rewards?

A Call to Action
As we reflect on the message, here are some practical steps to take this week:
  • Find a Way to Serve: Identify one area where you can contribute, even if it seems small. Ask God to use you for His glory.
  • Commit to Prayer: Make a list of people or ministries to pray for this week. Follow Epaphras’s example of fervent intercession.
  • Encourage Someone Serving Quietly: Many people faithfully serve behind the scenes. Take time to thank them and let them know their work is appreciated.

An Invitation for the Lost
We also extended an invitation to those who do not yet know Christ. If you’re reading this and haven’t experienced the forgiveness and hope found in Jesus, remember that He came to save sinners and offer eternal life. You don’t need to earn His love—simply trust in Him and receive His grace.

What’s Next?
God’s Word calls us to faithful service and fruitful living, just as Epaphras demonstrated. As a church, let’s continue to encourage one another, lift each other up in prayer, and focus on making an eternal impact.

If you missed the sermon, we encourage you to meditate on Colossians 4:12 and ask God how you can serve Him with humility and purpose. Let’s be a church full of “Epaphrases,” laboring for the Kingdom, whether in the spotlight or in the shadows.

Let us know in the comments: How did this sermon challenge or inspire you? How can we pray for you as you seek to serve Christ?

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” – Colossians 3:23-24

Serving Him,

Bro. Joey

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