Reflecting on Held in His Hands: The Eternal Security in Christ

Hey Guys,

This past Sunday, we explored one of the most comforting truths in Scripture—the assurance that those who belong to Christ are held securely in His hands, and nothing can separate us from His love. As we dug into *John 10:27-29*, we were reminded that our salvation is not something fragile, but a steadfast promise upheld by the power of our Savior. If you were with us, I hope this message brought you the peace and confidence that comes from knowing you are eternally secure in Christ.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on a few key points we covered.

Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice
In John 10:27, Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” This truth reminds us that following Jesus begins with listening. But what does it mean to truly hear His voice? We learned that it’s more than just recognizing His words intellectually—it’s responding to His call with faith and obedience. Whether through Scripture, prayer, or the promptings of the Holy Spirit, Jesus speaks to His followers.  

Known and Loved by Christ 
One of the most profound points we discussed was this: “I know them” (John 10:27). We can take heart in knowing that Jesus intimately knows each of us. He understands our struggles, our fears, and our failures. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and despite this full knowledge, He loves us completely. This is the beauty of grace—Jesus knows us in our brokenness, and still, He calls us His own.

In our busy world, it’s easy to feel unseen or unknown. But the Good Shepherd never overlooks His sheep. For those of you who may be walking through difficult seasons—whether it’s loneliness, pain, or confusion—remember this: Jesus sees you, He knows you, and He is right there with you. You are never alone in His care.

The Promise of Eternal Life
Perhaps the most comforting truth we encountered was Jesus’ promise of eternal life: “I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). This promise is not based on our performance or our ability to stay faithful. It’s based on Christ’s power and His faithfulness to hold us securely. What a relief! Our eternal security is as sure as Christ’s love for us.

Some of you may have wondered, “Am I good enough to stay saved?” But we learned on Sunday that it’s not about us holding on to Christ—He is holding on to us. As we saw, “no one will snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). That includes our sins, our struggles, and even the forces of darkness that work against us. Christ’s grip on us is unbreakable.

Living in the Assurance of His Grace
As we reflected on these powerful truths, it became clear that this assurance of salvation changes everything about how we live. When we are confident that Christ holds us, we are free to live in bold faith, without the fear of failure or the anxiety of losing our salvation. This doesn’t mean we live carelessly, but that we live joyfully and confidently, trusting in the sufficiency of His grace.

Final Thought
If you were unable to attend this past Sunday, or if you’d like to revisit the message, I encourage you to reflect on John 10:27-29 and consider the depth of Christ’s commitment to you. He knows you, He calls you, and He promises to keep you safe for eternity. What an incredible truth to anchor your faith in!

If this message spoke to you or if you have further questions about your relationship with Christ, please reach out. Our church family is here to walk alongside you in your spiritual journey. Let us continue to trust in the One who holds us securely in His loving hands.

Stay encouraged and keep following the Good Shepherd—He will never let you go.

Serving Him,

Bro. Joey Hufstedler

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Did this sermon impact you in a special way? Comment below or reach out to us on social media to share your testimony of how God spoke to you through this message. Let's continue the conversation and encourage one another in the faith! #HeldInHisHands #EternalSecurity #John1027 #FaithInChrist


Kelley - October 28th, 2024 at 11:28am

Very uplifting

- October 31st, 2024 at 10:45am






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