We Have A Family We Cannot Forget

Good Morning,

14And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”
    15Then he said to Him, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Ex 33:14–15.

I don't know about you, but when I read these verse I kinda scratch my head at first. There, at first glance, seems to be a disconnect with Moses in these verses. These verses just make you want to say, "huh".

I've had the opportunity to counsel many married couples during my ministry. One theme that seems to stick out to me is that the wives, almost always, complain that their husbands don't listen to them when they speak. I'm sure that hasn't happened to any of you, but I am told that it does happen. The wife will be talking about a thing and she says that at some point along the way her husband kind of checks out. Husbands have shared with me that when this happens they become frantic when they realize that their wife has stopped talking and they need to respond. The husband has no clue what his wife has said because, you know, he checked out. Rather than admit that he stopped listening, he responds with whatever is on the top of his mind. And... this is where the fight begins. When we get to this section of Exodus 33, it seems like Moses has done this very thing with God.

God said My presence will go with you, and so Moses looks back and says if your presence does not go with us do not send us out from here. Moses, I mean you can check out on your wife sometimes, but you’re meeting with God. When He talks, you listen. On the contrary, Moses was listening very intently to what God had said. I want to show you something very interesting that you may or may not know. Look at verse 14 and circle one word mentioned 2 times. “My presence will go with you (circle it there), and I will give you (circle it there) rest.” Put a little line out to the side that says singular. "You" can be singular or pluaral, and in the original language of the Old Testament this is a singular pronoun. What God had just said is My presence will go with you, Moses. I will give you, Moses rest. So Moses said to Him, if Your presence does not go with who, us. Do not send us up from here. What an incredible response. What a foreign response to our individualistic culture today. Do you know what happens in our version of Christianity today? Somebody is meeting with God, and God says I’m going to pour out my blessing on you. I am going to bless you in ways you never could have imagined. We walk out of the tent proud that we’ve received the blessing of God, and it’s unfortunate that others don’t have the same privilege as us. That is not how Moses responds. Moses says Your presence doesn’t need to go just with me, You must go with us. Moses knew he was a part of a community of faith. He knew that this journey was not intended for him to go through in isolation. He was a part of a people of God, and the people of God, not just him, the people of God needed His presence. Folks, what if God desires to pour His Spirit out on us? What if we say God we need you? Not me or I or him or her, but we need You. This should be a reminder that God chose to show His glory to the world through us.

22And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church,
    23which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Eph 1:22–23.

Don't forget, the Model Prayer in Matt 6 says, "Our Father", not "My Father".

Serving Him,

Bro. Joey

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