God Loves You & Created You To Know Him Personally

Good morning,

I wonder, sometimes, if we have are really grasping the depths of how great God's love for us actually is.

16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Jn 3:16.

I know everyone knows that verse. John 3:16 is the most well-known verse in all of the bible, but read that verse slowly and carefully. The great God of heaven and earth has such a great love for us that He was willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son for us. Jesus took a beating for us. Jesus took the cross for us. Jesus took death for us. Jesus took being separated from God The Father for us. That is just scratching the surface of how great the depths of His love is for us.

God was willing to send Jesus (and Jesus was willing to come for us) so that we could be redeemed by Him. Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled the righteous demands of the law and, when we submit to His Lordship, we have the promise of eternal life with our God.

We don't deserve it. We can't earn it. We deserve hell. We have earned hell... but God! That's is the beginning of the depths of His love for us. But, that is only the beginning. We have the assurance of heaven because of His love and we have the assurance of abundant life today because of His love.

10“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Jn 10:10.

Every follower of Jesus Christ can experience abundant life in Christ Jesus, through the work of Christ Jesus, because of God's great love for us. God's plan has always been a plan of redemption.

3“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Jn 17:3.

This was the whole purpose behind Christ's 1st mission to earth. The purpose of His 2nd mission will be to bring us to glory forever. All of this is because God loves us and offers us salvation through Jesus Christ.

Serving Him,

Bro. Joey

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