What Is God's Will For My Life? Serve Him!
by Joey Hufstedler on June 22nd, 2023
Good morning,I know that this should go without saying, but it needs to be said. God's will for every believer is to serve Him. In a world that is growing increasingly selfish, we are called to die to self. God may not call you to give up what He has called someone else to give up, but you should be willing to give up any and everything for Him gladly.37“He who loves father or mother more than Me ...  Read More
What Is God's Will For Your Life? Lead Your Family
by Joey Hufstedler on June 21st, 2023
Good morning,There are some people that get bent out of shape when you dare say that men are called, by God, to lead their family. The reality is that men are called, by God, to lead their family. It is true that women are loved equally by God. It is true that women have an equal inheritance from God. None of those things are the issue. God has given men and women different roles. This should not ...  Read More
What Is God's Will For Your Life? Proclaim The Gospel
by Joey Hufstedler on June 20th, 2023
Good morning,Two of my articles this week will deal specifically with men. However, this article is for everyone.I can’t tell you how many times I have heard someone say, “I just don’t know what God’s will for my life is.”My response is, “Really?” How is it possible that you have no idea what God’s will for your life is? Do you honestly believe that God has put you in some kind of maze, and you mu...  Read More
SBC23 Is Here
by Joey Hufstedler on June 11th, 2023
Good morning,The 2023 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting is finally here. The actual business of the convention will begin Tuesday morning. The last several annual meetings have had their fair share of notable moments that were filled with tension. There will, no doubt, be some of those moments this year. We have a few "big" issues that seem to be rising to the top.Who can be a pastorThe S...  Read More
Compassion Is Cultivated With Scripture & Prayer
by Joey Hufstedler on June 8th, 2023
Good morning,Where do Scripture and Prayer rank in your life? Now, I know what answer people will give with their lips. I'm not asking for that answer. I'm asking where Scripture and Prayer rank in your daily living. Do you even notice if you miss a day?Scripture and Prayer should be so foundational in our daily lives that it would inconceivable that we would ever miss out on our time with Scriptu...  Read More
The Time Is Now
by Joey Hufstedler on June 7th, 2023
Good morning,I'm afraid that "Christians" are the worst procrastinators on the planet. Too many think that they will have time, one day, to "serve" God. They just don't have the time to do things for God today. The problem is you have no idea how much time you have on this earth. I have talked with numerous people that were about to pass into eternity and I have never heard one person say that the...  Read More
Dyer Has A Dire Need
by Joey Hufstedler on June 6th, 2023
Good morning,I will make this statement over and over again. Dyer, Tn has a dire need. That dire need is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We would all agree, I assume, that people who die without Christ will spend an eternity in hell because they rejected the Only Begotten Son of God. This statement hurts to say, but it is true nonetheless. Jesus Christ died so that people could be saved. Jesus Christ ...  Read More
Jesus Demands A Response
by Joey Hufstedler on June 1st, 2023
Good morning,I feel like the title to this article definitely catches the eye. I believe it's my use of the word "demands" that really does the trick. I'm sure some will read that title and ask, "Is that really true?" The answer is, yes, it is true. Jesus will not force anyone to call Him Lord, but an answer must be given, will be given. Your response to Jesus will either happen on this side of et...  Read More
We Deserve Hell, Jesus Offers Grace
by Joey Hufstedler on May 31st, 2023
Good morning,We have all heard someone say, "That's not fair. I deserved this thing or that thing." We talk a lot about "fair" when we believe we are the victim of some great injustice, but what about when we are the perpetrator of the great injustice. Do we want what is fair then, or do we want forgiveness? I think we all know the answer to that question.23for all have sinned and fall short of th...  Read More
The Gospel Is For All
by Joey Hufstedler on May 30th, 2023
Good morning,I don't know about you, but I get super excited when I start talking about the gospel. I get super excited because I know that it is the one thing that can, literally, change anyone's life that it comes in contact with. We can't say that about anything else.16For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and als...  Read More
The Greatest Gift Ever Given
by Joey Hufstedler on May 25th, 2023
Good morning,What is the greatest gift you have ever been given? That question, no doubt, will cause our minds to think back to those memorable Christmas mornings, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. However, none of those gifts could ever come close enough to even be mentioned with the truly greatest gift ever given. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we could have salvation when we confess Him as...  Read More
God Demonstrated His Love
by Joey Hufstedler on May 24th, 2023
Good morning,"Love" might be one of the most overused words in the English language. We use the word "love" to quantify everything. "I love fried chicken". "I love apple pie". "I love baseball". We have devalued the word "love". We say it so often that it has lost some meaning in our minds.God did more than say He loved us. God demonstrated that He loved us.8But God demonstrates His own love towar...  Read More