Reflecting on Authority & Mission: Embracing Christ's Mandate
by Joey Hufstedler on November 18th, 2024
Hey Guys,Yesterday, we explored the profound words of Jesus in Matthew 28:16-20, where He left His disciples—and us—with both a calling and a promise. In our message, "Authority and Mission: Embracing Christ’s Mandate," we broke down this foundational passage, looking at three key elements: Christ’s Authority, Our Assignment, and Our Assurance. As we reflect on what we learned together, let’s reme...  Read More
Authority & Mission: Embracing Christ's Mandate
by Joey Hufstedler on November 14th, 2024
Hey Guys,This Sunday, we’re diving into one of the most profound passages in the New Testament—The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). Here, in Jesus’ final words to His disciples before His ascension, He delivers a powerful message that has continued to shape the mission of His Church for over 2,000 years.We’ll explore three key aspects of this passage: Christ’s Authority, Our Assignment, and Ou...  Read More
Looking Back on "Ready and Waiting: Living in Anticipation of His Return
by Joey Hufstedler on November 11th, 2024
Hey Guys,This past Sunday, we delved into Jesus’ teaching in Mark 13:31-37, where He calls us to “stay awake” as we live in anticipation of His return. It was a powerful reminder that our faith isn’t passive but one that actively prepares and hopes, rooted in the reliability of God’s promises. If you couldn’t join us, or if you want to reflect further on what we discussed, here’s a recap of the me...  Read More
Are You Ready?
by Joey Hufstedler on November 7th, 2024
Hey Guys,As believers, one of the greatest truths we hold onto is that Jesus Christ is coming back. But are we living in a way that shows we’re ready? This Sunday, we’re diving into Mark 13:31-37 with a sermon titled "Ready and Waiting: Living in Anticipation of His Return." It’s a call to live expectantly and purposefully, awake to the reality of Jesus’ imminent return. We would love for you to j...  Read More
Reflecting on Our 110th Anniversary Celebration: Embracing Unity and Looking Ahead with Faith
by Joey Hufstedler on November 4th, 2024
Hey Guys,After a wonderful celebration marking 110 years of God’s faithfulness to our church, we find ourselves encouraged and recharged to pursue our mission with unity and vision for the future. The anniversary was a time for joy, gratitude, and reflection. Together, we remembered our history, honored those who built this foundation, and reconnected as a church family. Now, as we turn our hearts...  Read More
Celebrating 110 years of Faith: Building on the Past, Looking Forward
by Joey Hufstedler on October 31st, 2024
Hey Guys,This year marks a milestone for church—our 110th anniversary! As we celebrate, we reflect on God’s grace in leading us through a century of faith, dedication, and community. Each step of our journey has been a testament to His faithfulness and to the men and women who served in faith to make our church what it is today. Now, we have the joy of celebrating our history while looking forward...  Read More
Reflecting on Held in His Hands: The Eternal Security in Christ
by Joey Hufstedler on October 28th, 2024
Hey Guys,This past Sunday, we explored one of the most comforting truths in Scripture—the assurance that those who belong to Christ are held securely in His hands, and nothing can separate us from His love. As we dug into *John 10:27-29*, we were reminded that our salvation is not something fragile, but a steadfast promise upheld by the power of our Savior. If you were with us, I hope this message...  Read More
Held in His Hands: The Eternal Security in Christ
by Joey Hufstedler on October 24th, 2024
Hey Guys,Are You Sure of Your Salvation?Life is filled with uncertainties. Relationships, careers, health, and even the state of the world can shift unexpectedly. But for the believer in Jesus Christ, there’s one assurance that is unshakable—the certainty of our salvation in Him. This assurance is not grounded in our strength, but in the loving, unbreakable grip of Christ. If you’ve ever wondered ...  Read More
Come to Jesus: Finding Satisfaction in the Bread of Life
by Joey Hufstedler on October 21st, 2024
Hey Guys,This past Sunday, we explored a powerful and profound passage from John 6:33-44, where Jesus declares Himself the “bread of life.” As we unpacked this truth, we were reminded that nothing in this world can satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. Only Jesus can fill the spiritual hunger within us and give us eternal life.Let’s take a moment to reflect on some key takeaways from the serm...  Read More
Come to Jesus: The Bread of Life and Our Eternal Hope
by Joey Hufstedler on October 17th, 2024
Hey Guys,One of the deepest longings in the human heart is the desire for fulfillment, meaning, and purpose. We all hunger for something more—whether it’s success, love, or satisfaction. Yet, no matter how much we try to fill this void with worldly things, we always end up feeling unsatisfied. This is because our souls are longing for something deeper, something eternal. In John 6:33-44, Jesus add...  Read More
Blessed or Barren: A Reflection on Matthew 13:54-58
by Joey Hufstedler on October 14th, 2024
Hey Guys,In Matthew 13:54-58, we see Jesus returning to His hometown of Nazareth, a place where He should have been welcomed with open arms. He had just taught profound truths and performed mighty works in other towns, and His reputation was spreading rapidly. But rather than a warm reception, Jesus encounters skepticism and unbelief. This passage, often overshadowed by the parables earlier in the...  Read More
The True Light That Gives Life
by Joey Hufstedler on October 7th, 2024
Hello Church Family,The True Light That Gives LifeJohn 1:6-13In the opening chapter of the Gospel of John, we are introduced to a powerful and foundational truth: Jesus Christ is the true Light that has come into the world to bring life and hope. As we reflect on John 1:6-13, we see how this passage beautifully weaves together the themes of light, witness, and the incredible privilege of becoming ...  Read More